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Partial List of APSA Accomplishments

  1. PAY
    • Have achieved merit raises totaling 7.5% (1.5% per year) over 5 previous fiscal years.
    • Achieved discretionary reserve raises totaling 5% (1% per year) over 5 previous fiscal years.
    • Achieved bonuses totaling 5% (1% per year) over previous 5 fiscal years.
    • Have changed practices so work week starts on Saturday or mid day on Friday allowing compensatory time off within a workweek.
    • Have obtained extended workweek (EWW) pay for MTS that has provided a buffer against layoffs.
    • Have obtained alternative work schedules (AWS) so that MTS can take every other Friday off.
    • Obtained compensatory time off so MTS would earn time off for time worked in excess of 48 hours a week.
    • Obtained MTS 33% of their patent royalties.
    • Have fought hard to improve company adherence to merit raise process resulting in better compliance with individual raise amounts.
    • Eliminated Anthem BlueCross lifetime maximums
    • Increased coverage to children to age 26.
    • Improved skilled nursing component of Comprehensive Plan when Base major was canceled.
    • Obtained dental implant coverage for Delta Dental.
    • Changed most non-California HMOs to an Anthem EPO expanding choice at a reduce cost.
    • Went to self-insured PPO and EPO plans reducing cost without reducing the benefit.
    • Changed Anthem Blue Cross retiree medical plan design twice resulting in significantly reduced cost without reducing benefit.
    • Reduce cost of Delta Dental Plan by getting cost savings when Delta Dentist in network dentists are used.
    • Expanded anti discrimination/harassment practices to keep veterans and add pregnant women.
    • Have sponsored awareness plays on veterans and harassment and disabilities.
    • Have lobbied for harassment prevention training for everyone. Company has slowly expanded training and improved training.
    • Added domestic partner benefits for medical plans and pension plans.
    • Have performed ladder analysis on demographics improving rankings for MTS over 40 and increasing the number of Asian Americans at level 3 along with improving the retention of white women.
    • Obtained a personal holiday so MTS from all cultures and religions could celebrate at least one of their holidays and days of religious observance with paid time off.
    • Assisted hundreds of employees with workplace issues including workplace conflict, performance reviews, corrective action, displaced status, RIFs, terminations, suspensions, short term disability, long term disability, security clearances, workmen compensation, reasonable accommodation for medical/physical/mental conditions, grievances.
    • Have provided dozens of employees one to three hours of legal advice with respect to their workplace issues

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